Movies with a narrator
Movies with a narrator

movies with a narrator movies with a narrator

The visible space between the frame (plot) is called screen space. Space – Events occur in particular locales. Majority of films tell story only once notable recent exceptions are Run, Lola, Run and Groundhog Day. Temporal frequency: includes how many times the story is told in one film.Screen time is usually between 90 minutes to 3 hours story time may cover a day, several years, or a century, for example. Story time is the duration of time covered by the story. Temporal duration: Screen time is the duration of time it takes to watch a film.Temporal order: may be in or out of chronological order, including flashbacks and flashforwards it may alternate between past and present.In constructing the film’s story, the viewer considers these temporal factors: The film does not show every detail from start to finish (we assume insignificant details: sleeping, eating, etc). The film may present events out of chronological order. It may also withhold effects after presenting causes, prompting suspense and uncertainty (disruptive if it happens at the end of the film and leaves viewer hanging).The plot may withhold causes and thus arouse the viewer’s curiosity (sci-fi, horror, mystery). Sometimes the plot will lead viewers to infer causes and effects.

movies with a narrator

The viewer seeks to connect events by causal motivation of characters.They possess traits: attitudes, skills, psychology, drives, details of dress and appearance, habits, etc.By reacting to events, they create causes and react to the twists and turns in the story. Usually, the agents of cause and effect are characters.

Movies with a narrator